This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Downtown Salt Lake City's Fourth Street Clinic expected to reopen by Friday afternoon after a natural gas leak forced evacuation of the homeless medical facility Thursday afternoon.

The gas leak, discovered by Questar Gas employees during a routine test around 2 p.m. Thursday, is believed to have originated just outside the building. Firefighters, paramedics and Questar repair crews were soon on the scene.

No injuries were reported, but staff and patients of the clinic were cleared from the clinic as a precaution.

Repair efforts continued through Thursday night and into Friday morning.

Questar spokesman Darren Shepherd said that while final repairs to a faulty line were expected early next week, service had been restored to the clinic and other buildings on the block affected.

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